Part 49: OF EVIL!

Powerful undead force at work? I'm there.

Have I mentioned lately how impressed I always am with this game for it being on PS1?
Anyway, time for a swim.

Where's a whale when you really need it?

This place is like one massive water park...
Ooohh treasure!

Grahhh crazy gas!! Luckily I remember to duck out of the way.

Ok, apparently this thingy here controls the water level for the next section or some such bullshit.
Let's give it a yank.


Ok in here you want to push in both of the sides of the center block there.

And the skull gets all glowy.

Lucky for us Valkyrie can hold her breath for a real long time.

Of course since this is water world I run into a few crabs. Luckily I brought my Old Bay.

At this point in the game I should point out that I should win an award for being stupid as fuck. There is one area here where you need to go up but you're underwater. Whenever you're underwater you can't make ice. So my dumb ass spent about an hour thinking of what to do before I realize that I'M FUCKING UNDERWATER AND IF I JUST KEEP PRESSING JUMP I SWIM UP.

Don't be me kids.
Anyway after solving that brain buster I proceed further in.

Ok in this room I you have to get across to the other side, but you can't jump up out of the water to do it. Apparently you can just let go of ice on the bottom and then jump on that and ride it up, but that's no fun so I did things the hard/stupid way.

Made it!
Ok remember how earlier we fought a boss that was two beholders and if you don't kill both in the same round they just raise each other? Yeah that fight was kinda annoying right?

Well now you get to fight three so HA HA GOD HATES YOU!!!

Ye must desire respite from thy empty existence.. thou shall have it!

Whew thank god that went ok. After that I finally find a save point.

Boss time!

Yeah, yeah, banter, banter, banter.

Ok here's the deal. You can fight this guy the regular way, and if you're not careful he will kick your ass because he uses some nasty AOE magic clincher on you.
On the other hand, you can sue the Holy Water of Mithra relic on him and he dies in one turn (It does 100k damage to any undead monster). This is nice because you can sue it as a free fight to level up a few of your new people.
So which should I do, 1-shot his ass with the relic or fight him the hard way?